The two biggest crane vessels in the world in rotterdam — Zdjęcie stockowe
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The two biggest crane vessels in the world in rotterdam — Fotografia stockowa redakcyjna

ROTTERDAM, NETHERLANDS - 30-Dec-2021:: Heerema Marine Contractors semi-submersible crane vessel Sleipnir and the thialf is waiting for maintenance

 — Zdjęcie od compuinfoto

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ROTTERDAM, NETHERLANDS - 30-Dec-2021:: a crane detail of the crane vessel Sleipnir ,this is one of the biggest crane vessels in the world
Crane of one of the biggest crane vessels in the world in rotterdam — Zdjęcie stockowe
ROTTERDAM, NETHERLANDS - 30-Dec-2021:: Heerema Marine Contractors semi-submersible crane vessel Sleipnir and the thialf is waiting for maintenance
The two biggest crane vessels in the world in rotterdam — Zdjęcie stockowe
ROTTERDAM, NETHERLANDS - 30-Dec-2021:: Heerema Marine Contractors semi-submersible crane vessel thialf and the sleipnir are waiting for maintenance
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